Group lessons


4 Group lesson sessions with professional trainers to help guide your pup to success

Positive reinforcement based. (no e-collar provided)

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4 Group lesson sessions with professional trainers to help guide your pup to success

Positive reinforcement based. (no e-collar provided)

4 Group lesson sessions with professional trainers to help guide your pup to success

Positive reinforcement based. (no e-collar provided)

Group lessons for dog owners are structured training sessions where multiple individuals who own dogs come together to learn and practice various skills and techniques related to dog training, behavior management, and socialization. These group lessons are led by professional dog trainers or behaviorists.

  1. Obedience Training: Group lessons cover basic obedience commands such as sit, down, come, place and heel, with a release word of break as well as more advanced commands depending on the skill level of the participants and their dogs. Owners learn how to effectively communicate with their dogs and reinforce desired behaviors.

  2. Behavior Modification: Group lessons provide guidance on addressing common behavior issues such as jumping, leash pulling, barking, and aggression. Trainers offer techniques and strategies to modify undesirable behaviors and promote more appropriate responses from the dogs.

  3. Socialization: Group lessons offer opportunities for dogs to interact with other dogs and people in a controlled environment. This helps in improving their social skills, reducing fear or aggression towards unfamiliar dogs or people, and promoting positive interactions with others.

  4. Distraction Training: Training in a group setting exposes dogs to various distractions such as other dogs, noises, and different environments. This helps them learn to focus and obey commands even in distracting situations, enhancing their overall obedience and reliability.

  5. Individualized Feedback: Trainers provide individualized feedback and guidance to each participant based on their dog's progress and behavior during the session. They may offer personalized advice and adjustments to training techniques to address specific needs and challenges.

  6. Community Support: Group lessons create a supportive community of dog owners who can share experiences, tips, and advice with one another. This support network can be invaluable for new or inexperienced dog owners facing common challenges or seeking encouragement and motivation.

  7. Structured Curriculum: Group lessons typically follow a structured curriculum that progresses from basic to more advanced training concepts. This ensures that participants and their dogs receive comprehensive instruction and development over the course of the lessons.

Group lessons for dog owners may vary in duration, frequency, and specific focus areas depending on the trainer and the needs of the participants. They are typically held in designated outdoor parks with enough space to accommodate multiple dogs and owners safely.

Your pup must be 5 months of age to attend group lessons

Advanced Group Lesson